Making Business Education Available to All: Reviewing the 100 Million Learners Global Initiative
My experience in the first course of the Thunderbird/ASU Certificate in Global Management, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation program.
Book Review: Jesus and John Wayne
This book contains some legitimate critiques of American evangelicalism, but it suffers from a foundational problem of definition that undermines its overly broad argument.
Years to Build, but Seconds to Destroy
Education relies on trust, but in our anti-institutional age, trust is hard to come by.
Tips for Survival in a Negative World
Oklahoma Representative Forrest Bennett accidentally found himself operating in the Negative World. Some of us operate there on purpose. We can learn from Bennett's mistakes to better survive when we hold unpopular positions.
The Council of Orange: Building Commitment in Community
I think lessons from the Celtic church of the first millennium can inform our development of communities today.
The Six Best Books I Read in 2021
I read a lot of books this year, but these are the best.
On Potential
Getting new power soccer equipment made me think about unlocking student potential
The Difficulties of Writing Regularly Online
I haven't written for a while. Here is some of my thought process.
Admitting Our Shortcomings
Academia tends to reward sticking to your guns. It should reward humbly admitting your shortcomings.
Why Should You Care What I Say?
Appeals to authority do not impress me. But then I assume that other people will respect me as an authority. Respect is earned.
Polarization and Echo Chambers in Academia
Most disciplines have dominant views. Academic echo chambers are directly opposed to the purpose of the academy itself.
Avoiding Educational Complacency
It was not all that long ago that a man founded in underground university behind the Iron Curtain to truly educate. We should not take our privilege for granted.
Whether I Shall Turn out to Be the Hero of My Own Life
David Copperfield wrestled with heroism, and so do we.
Presenting at Tolkien in Vermont
Academic conferences can serve an important function by forwarding the goal of academic freedom.