I'm Publishing a Book!

If you didn't watch the video above before reading this post, I am thrilled to announce that I just signed a contract to publish Disability and the Problem of Evil through Public Philosophy Press. This work officially began as my MA thesis at Houston Baptist University, but these are issues that I have lived with and rolled over in my mind many times.

Of all the work I have done in apologetics, disability seems to be the one that people want to talk about the most. On one hand, maybe they think I have some first-hand wisdom and insight. I don't know how much wisdom I have, but I think another part of the reason that people ask for my opinion on these issues is because disability studies is not typically been emphasized in the theologically conservative, Evangelical tradition. This is not to diminish any of the scholars who have been engaging in this work, but it in comparison with either the secular or liberal Christian volume of work on disabilities, the Evangelical output seems to pale.

As a result, I decided to dust off my thesis and give it another look after just over four years of sitting on my computer. It needed work, expansion, clarification, and revision, but once I was able to work on those issues, it was ready for submission. Now that it has been accepted, we are still revising and polishing, but I'm very excited that it will see the light of day again.

This book will not be the final word on disability or the problem of evil, but I hope it at least helps stimulate some discussions, support those who are dealing with these issues, and ultimately bring glory to God.

The cover art has been commissioned which I am excited about, and we are looking a late spring, early summer release date assuming all goes according to plan. I will keep you posted as more details emerge.


"What's on Your Mind, Zak?" Like I'm Telling You, Facebook: Self-Image and Self-Censorship


The Council of Orange