25 Things to Know about Pursuing Your Ph.D.

I started my Ph.D. in 2016. I knew that I ultimately wanted to become a professor, so that was the next logical step to take in that progression. However, as with just about anything, reality does not always line up with what you imagined it would be. That’s why I’m making this list of 25 quick things I found to be helpful as I went through this process. Maybe it will help you if you are considering walking this path.

  1. You are going to read something that everyone says is brilliant, but you can’t stand it.

  2. It is okay to respectfully disagree with your classmates, your readings, or your professors.

  3. Take a class that will challenge your typical way of thinking. Thomas Merton did that to me.

  4. Most of your papers are not going to be brilliant.

  5. Get your papers done on time.

  6. At least once you are going to be researching something and entirely change your position by the end of your research.

  7. Don’t change your dissertation at the last minute because of these last-minute revelations. There’s more flexibility if this happens during an ordinary class paper.

  8. You are going to be tired of your dissertation by the end of that process.

  9. Understand that most people outside of academia really don’t want to talk about your dissertation research.

  10. Be prepared to be asked many times how long it will be until you complete your degree.

  11. Even if you are pursuing your doctorate online, make sure you connect with your fellow students outside of class for support.

  12. Network with your fellow students. Opportunities often times come from people you know.

  13. Accountability is huge. Make a few friends who will keep you on track.

  14. Don’t take yourself too seriously. You are a developing scholar, but there’s a lot you don’t know.

  15. Get comfortable being wrong, but still be willing to share your thoughts anyway.

  16. Try to be ahead of schedule as much as possible. Life happens.

  17. It is said that a good dissertation is a done dissertation, but this applies to any and all class papers.

  18. Start thinking about publication early. I wish I had thought about it earlier than I did.

  19. Reach out to scholars outside your university. In my experience, they have loved to talk about their discipline with me.

  20. If you do write a good class paper, think about that as a potential publication. Even if it is not ready right away, you have already done so much work on it, take advantage of that.

  21. Look for relevant conferences or other speaking opportunities. This is also something I wish I had done more of early.

  22. Book reviews are your friends. Ask journals if you can review books for them. It is a good publication opportunity.

  23. Make sure you have some interests outside of school. You will need to unplug at some point.

  24. Have some fun, even during class. Education doesn’t need to be serious all the time. You are allowed to smile and laugh sometimes.

  25. Embrace the opportunity. You are lucky to be able to study at such a high level. Not everyone has that chance. Make the most of it. Enjoy your professors and classmates. It is a special time in your life.


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